Friday, March 10, 2006

Same Joshua tree, same sunset, but I can't decide which picture I like better so I decided to post both and let you decide (I know, they're really not that different). One thing about living in the Mojave Desert is that you see stuff like this all the time.


Michael Nannini said...

I definately like the second one better. I think there is too much showing in front of the tree (like the grass and post) in the first one, which for me distracts from the more interesting background scene of the sunset and mountains.

PsychDoctor said... for clutter in the fore- and background...

Michael Nannini said...

I am certainly no photo expert...just ask Yang about all my blurry photos of him....however, I like the second for the same reasons as the others, BUT I would also crop off the top a bit.

PsychDoctor said...

I emailed the edits I made to it to your hotmail account...see if you like them. By the way, the purple flower photo you sent me also sold today for $7.99...My business is doing much better as of late...