Monday, March 06, 2006

I've been validated! My brother called me today to tell me that somebody purchased a few copies of this photo from his ebay store. I was pretty much just screwing around when I took this picture, but thought it turned out good. He put a nice border on it, and added a quote from Henry David Thorough that says something along the lines of 'some men fish all their lives without realizing that it is not the fish they are after.' I have to say that it's probably the quote that sold these, rather than the picture itself, but nonetheless I can take some pride in knowing that I'm not alone in thinking that some of my pictures are good.


PsychDoctor said...

I sold four 8x10s for $27...They cost me about $6 to print, so I think I at least owe you a CD out of this...Send me a request and i will order it online for you... psychointern

PsychDoctor said...

Did you see that I sold your Grand Canyon Photo too? I need you to send me the original file of that so I have enough pixels to enlarge it to 8x10

PsychDoctor said...

Oh and by the way, this is a great photo...You had an excellent hand model. :)