Friday, May 23, 2008

It's good to have a zoom lens when you encounter a threatened species such as this Desert Tortoise. It was the first one I'd seen in the wild in all my time in the desert. It's a pretty cool species, and I was happy to have finally encountered one.


PsychDoctor said...

Are you sure you didn't run any over when you were tearing around the dry lake bed in your Corrola???

Native Minnow said...

Yes. Dry lake bed is the wrong habitat. They prefer alluvial slopes. C'mon man, everyone knows that.

And, it's a Sentra =P

PsychDoctor said...

And why do you need a zoom lens? Is this particular species the man-eating desert tortoise? :)

Native Minnow said...

You need a zoom b/c if we'd gone any closer it would have crawled inside it's shell.

Michael Nannini said...

Cool! Though I have to agree with dr.psycho that when I read what you have about the zoom, you made it sound like if you'd had gotten any closer, it would have surely died. Those threatened and endangered species are THAT sensitive.

Dee Ice Hole said...

How did it taste? ;0)